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Canada Life


Neighbour farewell party

One of our neighbours Ken and Donna sold their house and are moving up to a new house. Last Friday Elic (or Eric) came to invite me to the party. We had our first party in Canyon Meadows at Ken and Donna's house. It's about two or three years ago they renovated their house and held a get-to-know-each-other party. It was nice and I got a chance to be in a old style Canadian party, almost all my neighbours have been living in their house for more than 30 years. That's where I got the impression that people here don't think North-West is a great place to live simply because it's too windy. The farewell party on Saturday was held by Roy and Betty, they live right at the corner of our block. People are still kind and nice. Although I've seen most of them but I have trouble memorize their names. Richard is another name I remember because he is like Richard gear with his whole-white hair (not because of old). He is the boy friend of Elic's wife's daughter. I told Elic that Lilian is coming back at the end of May and I will take her to say hello to him when she is back.
Published Sunday, May 08, 2005 7:21 AM by Samuel
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